Town Council Crest

15th April 2021

Present: Cllrs J Irwin (Chairman), J Emmerson, J Kirby, M Patterson, T Strike and S A Watson.

In Attendance: J McGeeney, Town Clerk.

  1. Apologies for absence: None

  2. Workplan and Review Progress – The Chairman presented an updated work plan and asked for each reviewer to give committee members an update on progress made against each policy, this was detailed as follows:-

    1. Complaints Procedure - The Personnel Committee had met and discussed the policy in detail. Suggestions to wording had been identified. A draft review of the policy would be submitted to the next Personnel Committee prior to the Policy Committee.

    2. Grievance Procedure – The Personnel Committee felt that the Grievance Procedure lacked structure or reference to the appeals process. It was felt that a re-write was in order and reviewed by the Personnel Committee prior to the Policy Committee.

    3. Persistence and Complaints and Correspondence Policy – Review ongoing by the Personnel Committee.

    4. Protocol between Councillors and Council Employees - Review ongoing by the Personnel Committee.

    5. Delegation Scheme – Cllr Patterson and the Town Clerk to meet to discuss.

    6. Privacy Notice for the website – Cllr Irwin to contact SBC Monitoring Officer.

    7. Conflict of interest – Cllr Patterson to circulate a draft for the Policy Committee to review prior to the next meeting.

    8. Communications Policy – Reviewed by the Policy Committee, to be incorporated into the new policy template and reviewed prior to referral to Town Council.

    9. Social Media Policy – Cllr Emmerson to review in consultation with Cllr Strike.

    It was felt that a standard template was needed for each policy which cross referenced other Town Council policies and provided a start and review date. Cllr Irwin would investigate.

  3. CCTV Policy – Concern had been raised by a third party regarding non-compliances with ICO requirements. The Town Clerk confirmed all requirements are covered within policy but recommended an audit of the system be completed by the Hub Maintenance Committee. The Audit would be documented and presented to the Policy Committee.

  4. Date of next meeting – The next meeting of the Policy Committee would be held on Thursday 13th May 2021 at 6.00pm in the Rings Community Hub.

The meeting ended at 6.30pm

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